Source code for sotools.common



import io
from rdflib.term import Identifier
from rdflib import ConjunctiveGraph, Namespace, URIRef
from rdflib.namespace import NamespaceManager
from import rdf2dot
import graphviz
import json
import requests
from extruct.jsonld import JsonLdExtractor
import logging
import re


    PREFIX rdf:      <>
    PREFIX SO:   <>
    PREFIX xsd:  <>
    PREFIX datacite: <>

# Mapping to undo case confusion
# For example, "propertyId" should be "propertyID"
# The LHS is the lowercase match to the correct RHS value
SO_TERMS = {"propertyid": "propertyID", "dataset": "Dataset"}

# Match variants of ""
RE_SO = re.compile(r"^http.{0,1}://schema\.org/{0,1}")

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def _desloppifyTerm(g, t):
    Deal with sloppy case consistency in SO term use

    for example:
      SO:propertyId should be SO:propertyID

        g: graph containing t
        t: term to de-slop

        term, de-slopped
    if isinstance(t, URIRef):
            qname = g.namespace_manager.compute_qname(t)
            # 0 = prefix, 1 = namespace, 2 = term
            if qname[0] == SO_PREFIX:
                # Check the term value for case errors
                t_val = SO_TERMS.get(qname[2].lower(), qname[2])
                if t_val != qname[2]:
          "replacing SO:{qname[2]} with {t_val}")
                # return the normalized term
                return URIRef(t_val, qname[1])
        # not a qname. Odd, but continue
        except Exception:
    return t

def _normalizeTerm(t):
    Hack the URIRefs to normalize to use ""

    This is an ugly solution to the problem of variable representations of
    the namespace in the wild.

        t: Graph term to process

        Graph term normalized to namespace <>
    if isinstance(t, URIRef):
        v = str(t)
        so_match = RE_SO.match(v)
        if so_match is not None:
            v = v[so_match.end():]
            if v[-1] == "/":
                v = v[:-1]
            return URIRef(v, SCHEMA_ORG)
    return t

[docs]def loadSOGraph( filename=None, data=None, publicID=None, normalize=True, deslop=True, format="json-ld", ): """ Load RDF string or file to an RDFLib ConjunctiveGraph Creates a ConjunctiveGraph from the provided file or text. If both are provided then text is used. NOTE: Namespace use of ``<>``, ``<>``, or ``<>`` is normalized to ``<>`` if ``normalize`` is True. NOTE: Case of ``SO:`` properties in `SO_TERMS` is adjusted consistency if ``deslop`` is True Args: filename (string): path to RDF file on disk data (string): RDF text publicID (string): (from rdflib) The logical URI to use as the document base. If None specified the document location is used. normalize (boolean): Normalize the use of namespace deslop (boolean): Adjust terms for case consistency format (string): The serialization format of the RDF to load Returns: ConjunctiveGraph: The loaded graph Example: .. jupyter-execute:: examples/code/ """ g = ConjunctiveGraph() if data is not None: g.parse(data=data, format=format, publicID=publicID) elif filename is not None: g.parse(filename, format=format, publicID=publicID) if not (normalize or deslop): return g # Now normalize the graph namespace use to ns = NamespaceManager(g) ns.bind(SO_PREFIX, SCHEMA_ORG, override=True, replace=True) g2 = ConjunctiveGraph() g2.namespace_manager = ns for s, p, o in g: trip = [s, p, o] if normalize: for i, t in enumerate(trip): trip[i] = _normalizeTerm(t) if deslop: for i, t in enumerate(trip): trip[i] = _desloppifyTerm(g, t) g2.add(trip) return g2
[docs]def loadSOGraphFromHtml(html, url): """ Extract jsonld entries from provided HTML text Args: html(string): HTML text to be parsed Returns: ConjunctiveGraph: Graph loaded from html """ jslde = JsonLdExtractor() json_content = jslde.extract(html) g = ConjunctiveGraph() for json_data in json_content: g_data = loadSOGraph(data=json.dumps(json_data), publicID=url) g += g_data return g
[docs]def loadSOGraphFromUrl(url): """ Loads graph from json-ld contained in a landing page. Args: url (string): Url to process Returns: ConjunctiveGraph: Graph of instance Example: .. jupyter-execute:: examples/code/ """ response = requests.get(url) if response.status_code != raise ValueError( f"GET request to {url} returned a status of {response.status_code}" ) return loadSOGraphFromHtml(response.text, response.url)
[docs]def inflateSubgraph(g, sg, ts, depth=0, max_depth=100): """ Inflate the subgraph sg to contain all children of sg appearing in g. Args: g (Graph): The master graph from which the subgraph is extracted sg (Graph): The subgraph, modified in place ts (iterable of triples): list of triples, the objects of which identify subjects to copy frmm g depth (integer): tracks depth of recursion max_depth (integer): maximum recursion depth for retrieving terms Returns: None """ new_trips = [] for t in ts: if isinstance(t[2], Identifier): trips = g.triples((t[2], None, None)) for trip in trips: if not trip in sg: sg.add(trip) new_trips.append(trip) if len(new_trips) > 0: depth += 1 if depth > max_depth: return inflateSubgraph(g, sg, new_trips, depth=depth) return
[docs]def getSubgraph(g, subject, max_depth=100): """ Retrieve the subgraph of g with subject. Args: g (Graph): Source graph subject (URIRef): Subject of the root of the subgraph to retrieve max_depth (integer): Maximum recursion depth Returns: (Graph) The subgraph of g with subject. Example: .. jupyter-execute:: examples/code/ """ sg = ConjunctiveGraph() sg.namespace_manager = NamespaceManager(g) sg += g.triples( (subject, None, None) ) inflateSubgraph(g, sg, sg, max_depth=max_depth) return sg
[docs]def renderGraph(g): """ For rendering an rdflib graph in Jupyter notebooks Args: g (Graph): The graph to render Returns: Jupyter cell: Output for rendering directly in the notebook Example: .. jupyter-execute:: examples/code/ """ fp = io.StringIO() rdf2dot.rdf2dot(g, fp) return graphviz.Source(fp.getvalue())
[docs]def hasDataset(g): """ Number of SO:Dataset graphs in g Args: g (Graph): The graph to evaluate Returns: integer: Number of SO:Dataset graphs in g Example: .. jupyter-execute:: examples/code/ """ q = ( SPARQL_PREFIXES + """ SELECT ?x { ?x rdf:type SO:Dataset . } """ ) qres = g.query(q) return len(qres)
[docs]def getLiteralDatasetIdentifiers(g): """ Retrieve literal SO:Dataset.identifier entries Args: g (Graph): Graph containing ``SO:Dataset`` Returns: list: A list of ``{value:, url:, propertyId:}`` with url=None and propertyId="Literal" """ q = ( SPARQL_PREFIXES + """ SELECT ?y WHERE { ?x rdf:type SO:Dataset . ?x SO:identifier ?y . FILTER (isLiteral(?y)) . } """ ) res = [] qres = g.query(q) for v in qres: res.append({"value": str(v[0]), "propertyId":"Literal", "url": None}) return res
[docs]def getStructuredDatasetIdentifiers(g): """ Extract structured SO:Dataset.identifier entries Args: g (Graph): Graph containing ``SO:Dataset`` Returns: list: A list of ``{value:, url:, propertyId:}`` """ q = ( SPARQL_PREFIXES + """ SELECT DISTINCT ?value ?url ?propid WHERE { ?x rdf:type SO:Dataset . ?x SO:identifier ?y . ?y rdf:type ?tt . ?y SO:value ?value . ?y SO:propertyID ?propid . OPTIONAL { ?y SO:url ?url } . FILTER (?tt = SO:PropertyValue || ?tt = datacite:ResourceIdentifier) } """ ) res = [] qres = g.query(q) for v in qres: i = {"value": str(v[0]), "url": str(v[1]), "propertyId": str(v[2])} res.append(i) return res
[docs]def getDatasetIdentifiers(g): """ Return a list of ``SO:Dataset.identifier`` entries from the provided Graph Args: g (Graph): Graph containing ``SO:Dataset`` Returns: list: A list of ``{value:, url:, propertyId:}`` Example: .. jupyter-execute:: examples/code/ """ # First get any identifiers that are literals with no additional context res = getLiteralDatasetIdentifiers(g) return res + getStructuredDatasetIdentifiers(g)
[docs]def getDatasetMetadataLinksFromEncoding(g): """ Extract link to metadata from SO:Dataset.encoding Args: g: ConjunctiveGraph Returns: list: A list of ``{dateModified:, encodingFormat:, contentUrl:, description:, subjectOf:,}`` Example: .. jupyter-execute:: examples/code/ """ q = ( SPARQL_PREFIXES + """ SELECT ?dateModified ?encodingFormat ?contentUrl ?description ?x WHERE { ?x rdf:type SO:Dataset . ?x SO:encoding ?y . ?y SO:encodingFormat ?encodingFormat. ?y SO:dateModified ?dateModified . ?y SO:contentUrl ?contentUrl . ?y SO:description ?description . } """ ) res = [] qres = g.query(q) for item in qres: entry = { "dateModified": item[0], "encodingFormat": str(item[1]), "contentUrl": str(item[2]), "description": str(item[3]), "subjectOf": str(item[4]), } res.append(entry) return res
[docs]def getDatasetMetadataLinksFromSubjectOf(g): """ Extract list of metadata links from SO.Dataset.subjectOf Args: g (Graph): Graph containing the ``SO:Dataset`` Returns: list: A list of ``{dateModified:, encodingFormat:, contentUrl:, description:, subjectOf:,}`` Example: .. jupyter-execute:: examples/code/ """ q = ( SPARQL_PREFIXES + """ SELECT ?dateModified ?encodingFormat ?url ?description ?about WHERE { ?about rdf:type SO:Dataset . ?about SO:subjectOf ?y . ?y SO:url ?url . ?y SO:encodingFormat ?encodingFormat . OPTIONAL { ?y SO:dateModified ?dateModified . ?y SO:description ?description . } } """ ) res = [] qres = g.query(q) for item in qres: entry = { "dateModified": item[0], "encodingFormat": str(item[1]), "contentUrl": str(item[2]), "description": str(item[3]), "subjectOf": str(item[4]), } res.append(entry) return res
[docs]def getDatasetMetadataLinksFromAbout(g): """ Extract a list of metadata links SO:about(SO:Dataset) Args: g(Graph): Graph containing an ``SO:Dataset`` Returns: list: A list of ``{dateModified:, encodingFormat:, contentUrl:, description:, subjectOf:,}`` Example: .. jupyter-execute:: examples/code/ """ q = ( SPARQL_PREFIXES + """ SELECT ?dateModified ?encodingFormat ?contentUrl ?description ?about WHERE { ?about rdf:type SO:Dataset . ?y SO:about ?about . ?y SO:contentUrl ?contentUrl . ?y SO:encodingFormat ?encodingFormat . OPTIONAL { ?y SO:dateModified ?dateModified . ?y SO:description ?description . } } """ ) res = [] qres = g.query(q) for item in qres: entry = { "dateModified": item[0], "encodingFormat": str(item[1]), "contentUrl": str(item[2]), "description": str(item[3]), "subjectOf": str(item[4]), } res.append(entry) return res