Identifiers for Datasets


The purpose of this document is to describe the behavior of DataONE indexers when encountering identifiers in SO:Dataset [3] instances.

In the context of DataONE, a dataset has multiple components. Each component version is preserved and each component version has a persistent, globally unique identifier (PID). Each component may also be assigned a globally unique identifier that always resolves to the most recent version of a component (SeriesID or SID). That context is used in this document.

digraph foo { rankdir=LR; graph [fontname="avenir", fontsize=10]; node [fontname="avenir", fontsize=10]; edge [fontname="avenir", fontsize=10]; Dataset [shape=rectangle, style=filled, fillcolor=darkseagreen2]; PropertyValue [shape=rectangle, style=filled, fillcolor=darkseagreen2]; Text [shape=ellipse, style=filled, fillcolor=lightskyblue2]; URL [shape=ellipse, style=filled, fillcolor=lightskyblue2]; Text2 [label=Text, shape=ellipse, style=filled, fillcolor=lightskyblue2]; URL2 [label=URL, shape=ellipse, style=filled, fillcolor=lightskyblue2]; DOI [label="\"DOI\"", shape=ellipse, style=filled, fillcolor=lightskyblue2]; dcdoi [label="datacite:doi", shape=parallelogram, style=filled, fillcolor=khaki]; dcri [label="datacite:ResourceIdentifier", shape=rectangle, style=filled, fillcolor=goldenrod1]; Dataset -> PropertyValue [label=identifier]; Dataset -> URL [label=identifier]; Dataset -> Text [label=identifier]; PropertyValue -> Text2 [label=value]; PropertyValue -> URL2 [label=url]; PropertyValue -> DOI [label=propertyID]; PropertyValue -> dcdoi [label="datacite:usesIdentifierScheme"] PropertyValue -> dcri [arrowtail=normal, dir=both, style=dotted] }

id and identifier

The @id property in JSON-LD [1] identifies a node in the RDF graph, and must be an IRI [2]. The SO:identifier is an optional property of a node that may or may not be a URI, and may or may not be the same as the @id for the node.

Ideally, the @id and the SO:identifier would have the same value though this if often not the case for datasets.

Identifier Conflation

The string “978-1-5387-1847-6” is an identifier, in this case an ISBN. A number of services are available to provide more information about the subject of the identifier. For example, `ISBN Search`_ is a lookup service that provides a HTML view of the results. Goole provides a `Books API`_ that returns structured data, though requires anuthentication to use, for example:

curl "${GAPIKEY}&q=isbn:9781538718476"

  "kind": "books#volumes",
  "totalItems": 1,
  "items": [
    "kind": "books#volume",
    "id": "SyqzDwAAQBAJ",
    "etag": "q7NUsBTwiu8",
    "selfLink": "",

Note that the canonical form of the identifier is "``9781538718476``", the commonly
used human readable form is "``978-1-5387-1847-6``", and a resolvable form that
varies with the resolving service such as the aforementioned Google Books API.


There is no notion of immutability in


[1]IRIs are a fundamental concept of Linked Data, for nodes to be truly linked, dereferencing the identifier should result in a representation of that node.
[2]An IRI (Internationalized Resource Identifier) is a string that conforms to the syntax defined in RFC 3987

Running code on this page

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  1. Click on the “Activate Binder” button
  2. Wait for Binder to be active. This can take a while, you can watch progress in your browser’s javascript console. When a line like Kernel: connected (89dfd3c8... appears, Binder should be ready to go.
  3. Run the following before any other script on the page. This sets the right path context for loading examples etc.
import os
print("Page is ready. You can now run other code blocks on this page.")